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Contact options
The best way to contact us is our smart form, available here.

Our smart form allows you to make a free request, with no obligation, and provides us with all the information we need to make a full offer and offer you practical information. Form requests are answered within 72 hours.

Only if you have a request that is not included in the form please use the following e-mail linkPlease check in advance whether the service you wish for is covered in the smart form. No e-mail regarding a service that can be requested through the smart form will be answered to, except if made by a foreign state authority (civil status office, court etc.). E-mail requests are answered in up to one week, except for state authorities, which are given priority.

Alternatively, any request can be also made by fax at +4 031 710 70 17. Fax requests are answered within 48 hours.

Telephone calls are available only to existing clients, under limited circumstances, and are always fee-bearing, regardless of the package chosen. We strongly advise to use written communication for any legal work in your private and professional life.

© 2015-2023 by Ioan-Luca Vlad Law Office.                                                                              Please see our Privacy Policy and the specific Privacy Policy of the Inquiry Form.

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