Specialists in Romanian public records
Romanian public records and Documents
At RomanianDocuments, your specialists in Romanian public records, we help you obtain most Romanian public documents you require. Below are the kinds of documents we work with. For the most requested of them, we have included pages which show how you can obtain them yourself.
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Birth and citizenship:
Romanian birth certificate (or multilingual extract)
Romanian baptism certificate
Marriage and family:
Romanian marriage certificate (or multilingual extract)
Certificate of celibacy / Certificate of No Impediment
Extract from the Register of Matrimonial Regimes (to find out which matrimonial regime has a couple chosen)
Property and business transactions:
Records from the Companies and Charities Registers (find out everything available about a business partner from Romania, or about a charity operating in the country)
Documents from the public notary (duplicates of documents in the archive)
Confirmations from the Register of Powers of attorney (so you know that you are dealing with the right representative)
Educational and professional records:
School, high-school and university records and diplomas
Professional qualifications records (regulated professions and permanent adult education)
Judicial and other records:
Judicial records (judgments) in civil cases
Divorce certificates for administrative divorces
Criminal records ('certificat de cazier judiciar')
Religious divorce record ('sentinta de divort bisericesc')
History of street and place names (to officially prove the new name of an old address or town)
Death records:
Romanian death certificate (or multilingual extract)
Romanian Certificate of Custom ('certificat de cutuma'): proving the contents of Romanian law
Recognition of foreign non-contentious judgments in Romania: making your judgment valid in Romania
Transcription of foreign civil status records in Romania: making them valid in Romania and at the same time updating your Romanian records to reflect your new civil status
Legal Translations into Romanian